Two liver transplants in three days

Aug. 21, 2023

Two successful liver transplants were done in the last three days at the Shahid Dharmabhakta National Transplant Center (SDNTC), Bhaktapur. According to our director Dr. Pukar Chandra Shrestha, both the donors and recipients are currently in normal health condition and are recovering well.

SDNTC made history in 2072 B.S. by performing the first liver transplant in Nepal. From 2072 to 2079, only ten liver transplants were done in the span of seven years. With the start of year 2080, the liver transplant program has gained momentum with already three transplants in five months.  

Liver transplant operation is a complex procedure and till now these operations at SDNTC have been performed under leadership of team of specialist surgeons from India and South Korea. This time the two operations were done with support of only one foreign specialist surgeon. As the team at SDNTC gains experience with every operation, Dr. Shrestha believes that the center will soon be able to perform the transplatns independently without the support of external help. This will ultimately lead to a full fledged liver transplant program at SDNTC.