July 17, 2016

Human Organ Transplant Center completed 101 successful Kidney transplantation on 14th July with in the fiscal year 2072-73. Human Organ Transplant Center (HOTC), established by Nepal government four years ago, has been playing a leading role in developing policy on organ donation and transplantation in addition to carrying out the largest number of renal transplants every month and setting up to initiate deceased donor transplantation as well. With this HOTC completed 187 kidney transplants since its establishment. Recently, HOTC played a key role to help our parliament to pass the amendment of Transplant Act 2072. This amendment opens the door for brain death donation, pair exchange and a wide expansion of list of live organ donor pool.

HOTC celebrated its huge achievement with all the members from different departments which included Executive director, Nursing director, Consultants, Surgeons, Physicians, Registrars, Medical officers, Chief of different departments, Administrative officer and nursing staffs.

Nursing director, Ms. Indira Pradhan told that, it is due to continuous effort of Dr. Pukar C. Shrestha who has been working tirelessly in the Center and also with the parliamentarians, government officials and clinicians to bring more provisions since he came back from the UK seven years ago. She added that his efforts have not been solitary; team success mainly depends on the perseverance of each member.

Dr. Kalapana Shrestha, Senior Consultant and Head of Department of Nephrology highlighted on the overall achievement of the center. Dr. Kalpana leds the biggest Nephrology and renal transplant service in the country.

Dr. Pukar Chandra Shrestha (Executive Director) shared credit with all the team members and told that each member of the team has been dedicated and passionate in completing the tasks. He congratulated the Team and appreciated the sincere efforts and hardwork of each member.